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Sterling Silver Cuff Collection by William Cook

Sterling Silver Cuff Collection by William Cook

Each piece is hand carved and may not be exactly as shown in the photo. 

Measurements are included with item details.

William Cook comes from a family of artist; his brother is established Kwakwaka'wakw artist Rande Cook, and his niece is emerging Kwakwaka'wakw artist Jazimine McCrimmon-Cook. He works in the traditional Kwakwaka'wakw style and has worked with Kwakwaka'wakw artist Patrick Seaweed, Henry Nelson and Frances Dick. William is primarily a jeweller but he began creating cedar panels in 2013.


EAGLE Symbol of power, prestige and wisdom. The Eagle also has a strong connection to peace.  Its sacred down represents friendship and its feathers are used for ceremonies and rituals. The Cree consider each feather as having special meaning and distinction.

HUMMINGBIRD Joyful messengers who represent peace, affection and good fortune.  The Hummingbird is a living rainbow that captures the sunlight and turns it into a jewel on its wings, signifying love, beauty and healing.  This tiny bird is also called "Sah Sen"

RAVEN The creator, transformer and trickster. Legend says the Raven released the sun and moon, and discovered mankind in a clamshell. The Raven also brought the salmon and the water to man, and taught people how to fish and hunt. The Raven is one of the two main crests of the Haida.

WOLF A symbol of great strength. It is considered wise and powerful, and is known for its strong family ties. In Kwakiutl culture the Wolf is the leader of the animal kingdom. It is admired for its tactful hunting skills, and is the land manifestation of Whale since they mate for life.

BEAR The protector of the animal kingdom. With great power and human like qualities, the Bear is known as the Elder Kinsman and is always treated as a high ranking guest. The Bear also symbolizes strength, learned humility, motherhood and teaching.




Category: cuff, cuff bracelet, eagle, First Nations, Jewelry, Special Gifts

Type: Jewellery

Artist Collection: WILLIAM COOK

SKU: 80-286-C-1

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